Orders placed before 2pm Mon-Fri will be dispatched same day

Patent & Trademark Protection

Most products sold by Liftlash are protected by Patent and Trademark registrations. This protection either belongs to GTF Ltd or its Group companies, to Liftlash Ltd., or to other manufacturers from whom Liftlash sources products. A few products sold are out of patent protection or are sold on their acceptable quality level of manufacture.

Legal action will be pursued vigorously against any attempt to infringe GTF Group or Liftlash Limited Patents or Trademarks. Additionally, full assistance will be given to any supplier to Liftlash to enable it to ensure similar legal redress.

It will be the responsibility of any purchaser of a product purporting to come from Liftlash Limited, to ensure that it has not been copied or passed off as a Liftlash Limited or GTF Group product or a product from one of Liftlash Limited’s suppliers.

No guarantee of performance for products found to have come other than from Liftlash Limited and it’s suppliers will be entertained whatsoever.